Lynda Mandell M.D. PLLC


"Believe you can and you're halfway there."
- Theodore Roosevelt


The main goals of Dr. Mandell's weight management program, which she has coined, "Mind-Weight Balance Therapy" are: 

• To sustain stable and healthy long term weight control by strengthing the underlying psychological foundation upon which sits the "weight" of weight.
• To further optimize treatment results by addressing and meeting the individualized and unique health needs and lifestyles of each patient.
• To provide a delivery of care with ongoing patience and compassion and recognition that the weight management journey is often overwhelming and difficult, with hurdles to overcome along the way.

Weight Management Machine

Services Offered

As with all weight management programs, diet, exercise, and sleep are addressed in Dr. Mandell's treatment planning. Her approach may differ from that of other weight management professionals in the depth and breadth of medical attention that will be given to the psychological attributes, such as the cognitive, emotional, and behavioral aspects of the weight struggle. Such psychotherapeutic techniques as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Insight-Oriented Psycho-Dynamic treatments are employed to delve deeper into long-standing psychological issues that might be interfering with weight loss and its maintenance. Identifying and addressing these root emotional and behavioral issues should allow for an easier adherence to healthier lifestyle habits learned during weight loss for more successful long-term control over weight re-gain.

Services outlined below may be given in conjunction with services or programs provided by other facilities, professionals, or through a comprehensive weight management program that Dr. Mandell will manage and oversee. These include the following:

I. Psychiatric Consultation , by referral only
This procedure offers a pretreatment screening before medical weight loss management and/or bariatric procedures. It evaluates for treatment appropriateness as well as readiness. It also identifies underlying psychiatric issues, which could potentially be barriers to compliance and a successful outcome. Psychiatric treatment recommendations, when applicable, are provided to the referring treatment team.

II. Full Array of Psychiatric Services, by referral only
These services provide adjunctive therapy to medical and/or bariatric surgical weight management programs. They include an initial consultation, followed by ongoing psychotherapy and psychotropic medication management, as clinically warranted. Weight neutral medications are prioritized in all psychiatric regimens.

III. Weight Management Consulting
This consultative service affords the patient a better understanding of the many options available in the very busy and complicated "weight loss and maintenance space", as an initial step, before embarking on a weight management journey. Specific recommendations may be provided, upon request, if adequate clinical information can be obtained during the consultation process.

IV. A Comprehensive Weight Management Program
Mind-Weight Balance Therapy is a physician guided program which is designed to address the multiple factors associated with weight loss and maintenance. To optimize treatment results and meet desired weight goals, treatment plans will be individualized and tailored, as clinically needed, during the monitoring phases of the program. The program integrates the following components:

a. Body composition testing for enhanced information beyond that obtained by the number of weight seen on a scale. The test distinguishes between the number of pounds that exist as fat in the body from those that exist as lean body mass. An initial test provides baseline body values of mass, fat, muscle, and water as well as their body distribution, the percentage of visceral fat and basal metabolic rates. These baseline values aid in the development of weight management plans. Subsequent testing is done to monitor progress.

b. Diet Recommendations * for healthy weight loss and maintenance.

c. Exercise Regimens* for improved baseline physical activity and muscle strength and maintenance.

d. Sleep Hygiene Therapy* for adequate quantity and quality of sleep.

e. Stress Management Therapy with mindfulness and problem-solving techniques and skills learning for better coping mechanisms to emotional distress and to daily life stressors.

f. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy(CBT) and Insight-Oriented Psychodynamic Psychotherapy services to address any barriers that may be affecting motivation and ability to adhere to the program.

g. Medication Management, when clinically appropriate, to promote further weight loss and for emotional stabilization.

h. Bariatric Surgical Referrals, when necessary, with explanation of and rationale for each of the several different currently available procedures.

*Referrals to outside services during the program will be made when/if clinically warranted.