Lynda Mandell M.D. PLLC


"When we are no longer able to change a situation - we are challenged to change ourselves." - Viktor E. Frankl

Conditions Treated and Services Provided

Whenever you need a medical professional to provide you with psychiatric treatment and care, Dr. Mandell has the expertise and knowledge to help you. Treatments are made available to men and women of all ages, including adolescents, for a wide range of psychiatric conditions, life challenges, and transitions. Due to her unique clinical background and medical training, she has developed a specialized expertise in the following psychiatric disorders and areas and competency to provide the following below listed services:


  • Mood Disorders
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Obsessive Compulsive and Related Disorders
  • Attention Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): Adolescent and Adult ADHD
  • Eating Disorders : Anorexia, Bulimia Nervosa and Binge Eating Disorder
  • Female Psychiatry: Across the Life-Cycle, Infertility Problems, Pregnancy, Post-Partum Disorders, and Menopausal Related Issues
  • Psycho-Somatic Issues: Issues Associated With Disfiguring Debilitating and/or Life Threatening Medical Conditions (e.g., Cancer, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's, and Cardiovascular Diseases)
  • Adolescent/School-Related Problems: Academic and Social Adjustment Difficulties, Substance Issues, Effects of Bullying, Sexuality, and Identity-Related Issues/Concerns
  • Adjustment Difficulties
  • Relationship Conflicts: Significant Other, Family, Parenting, Divorce, Loss Of a Significant Relationship, New or Single Parents, Death of a Loved One
  • Employment or Workplace-Related Conflicts


  • Medication Management: Psychophamacology Services
  • Conventional Psychotherapy/Talk Therapy for Individuals, Couples and Families: e.g., Cognitive Behavioral (CBT), Interpersonal, Supportive and Interpersonal Therapies
  • Life Coaching and Counseling
  • Divorce Mediation
  • Preoperative Screening Assessments and Clearance Evaluations for Bariatric Procedures and Prophylactic Breast Surgery
  • LGBTQ Affirmative Therapy
  • Psycho-Oncology Consulting and Guidance: Including Patient and Family Counseling
  • Weight Management: Weight Loss and Prevention of Weight Regain
  • End of Life and Grief Therapy